Zoning map of the Village of Aviston
Aviston, Illinois statistics and facts
WCXO 06.7 FM carries local news and weather
2010 population (current) – 1,945
2000 population – 1,231
1990 population – 924
1980 population – 850
1930 population – 380
Time Zone: central
Latitude: 38.6N
Longitude: 89.6W
Elevation: 473 feet
Distance to Washington D.C.-714 miles
Distance to Illinois Capital (Springfield)- 80 miles
2000 census information
*Aviston Information
Median income for a household-$47,917
Families below the poverty line-2.8
Aviston was the 625 most populated municipality in Illinois
Aviston was the 143rd fastest growing municipality (1,318 total municipalities)
Aviston enjoyed a 33.2% growth in population from 1990-2000
Clinton County, Illinois statistics and facts
Clinton County Census Bureau information
Clinton County contains the largest lake within Illinois.
U.S. Information
Cultural Traditions-
As Aviston continues to change and reflect the growing diversity of the United States, longstanding German traditions and values are still embedded in the community.
During the 1800s German immigrants flooded into the area and soon dominated the cultural and physical landscape.
Many early German settlers in Aviston placed a high value on education and the arts, a tradition that continues today.
Traveling to or from Aviston?
Check out the “Getting around Illinois” Web site to find construction that could slow you down.